Zero Tolerance
We uphold a zero-tolerance policy toward any form of abuse or inappropriate behaviour directed at our GP Surgery, staff, doctors, or fellow patients. This includes physical, verbal, or online abuse.
Our GPs and staff have the right to work in a safe environment, free from fear of attack, mistreatment, or abuse. To deliver the best possible care, mutual respect between staff and patients is essential. Our team strives to be polite, helpful, and sensitive to the individual needs and circumstances of all patients. We ask patients to keep in mind that staff often manage multiple tasks and challenging situations simultaneously.
However, any aggressive behaviour—whether physical, verbal, or online—will not be tolerated. Such actions may lead to removal from the practice list and, in extreme cases, involve contacting the police.
To maintain positive relationships with our patients, we kindly ask everyone to note the following behaviours that are considered unacceptable:
- Using inappropriate language, shouting, or raising voices at staff.
- Abusing the GP Surgery online.
- Threatening any member of staff.
- Engaging in physical violence toward staff or patients.
- Verbally abusing staff or patients, including shouting.
- Using discriminatory, racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, or other intolerant language, or engaging in discrimination or sexual harassment.
- Making persistent or unrealistic demands that cause undue stress to staff. While we strive to meet reasonable requests, we will always provide explanations if unable to do so.
- Bullying or manipulating staff to obtain specific outcomes.
- Damaging, stealing, or failing to return practice property.
- Fraudulently obtaining drugs or medical services.
We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a respectful and supportive environment for everyone at the surgery.